Teaching 9-1-1 to children
How many times have you heard a story on the news about a young child who saved the life of their mother, father or sibling because they knew to call 9-1-1? Those brave children obviously knew what to do in an emergency.
With the number of children using cell phones these days, proper 9-1-1 cell phone protocol needs to be taught. And we can help you with that.
Teaching 9-1-1
Teaching children how to use 9-1-1 is critical. We invite you to read this information designed for teachers and parents of elementary school children.
Parent Letter
Click below for a sample letter to send home to parents to inform them of the 9-1-1 curriculum learned, as well as how these ideas can be reinforced at home.
Coloring and Comic Books

9-1-1 Coloring Book #1

9-1-1 Responders Issue #3
Sue Robinson
Training Coordinator & 911 Addressing