These 3 words can save lives.

Tell us Where you are. If you're at home, tell us your address. If not, look for street signs, landmarks or anything that can help us quickly get an emergency responder out to your location.

2. WHAT?
What is the emergency? Is there a fire? Are you witnessing a crime in progress? Is someone's life in jeopardy?

3. WHO?
Clearly tell us Who you are so that we can help you.
It used to be that calling 9-1-1 was as simple as dialing 9-1-1. But with the emergence of different technologies, cell phone and VoIP, there are some nuances to understand when calling from each. An easy way to remember what to tell the 9-1-1 operator is to remember the Where, What, Who of 9-1-1.
Non-Emergency Numbers
For situations that require assistance but are not life-threatening, contact the public safety agency listed below that serves your location.

- Bartlett Police
- 901-385-5555
- Collierville Police
- 901-853-3207
- Germantown Police
- 901-754-7222
- Memphis Police
- 901-545-2677
- Millington Police
- 901-872-3333

- Memphis Fire
- 901-458-8281
- Shelby County Fire
- 901-222-8000

Shelby County Sheriff’s Office
- Shelby County Sheriff
- 901-379-7625
You may also call 2-1-1 for information on how to contact resources to help you with a wide variety of non-emergency situations, or visit the 2-1-1 website for additional information.
For information on road and traffic conditions in the area, call 5-1-1 or visit the 5-1-1 website.
Helpful Resources
Learn the latest statistics about 9-1-1 calls and emergencies.
Tuesday, November 18, 2016
The Denise Amber Lee Tragedy
Shelby County Emergency Communications District
3150 Lenox Park Blvd., Suite 108, Memphis
We are pleased to share the District's publicly available Next-Generation 911 GIS data with citizens, developers, and organizations that have an interest in spatial data, addressing, or location-based services.
Let us help you teach the importance of the Who, What and Where of calling 9-1-1 to your students.
Schedule a speaker, or download comic books, coloring books and more.
Learn about the history of 9-1-1 and our Shelby County Board of Directors.